Scott Rudlosky

Dr. Scott Rudlosky began working as a Physical Scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) during December 2011. He is co-located with the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS) and the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) in College Park, Maryland. Scott originally joined CICS/ESSIC as a Research Associate in January 2011 following completion of his M.S. (2007) and Ph.D. (2010) in Meteorology at Florida State University. He obtained his B.S. (2004) in Geography with a specialization in Atmospheric Science from The Ohio State University. Scott serves as a member of the GOES-R Risk Reduction Team that develops algorithms and datasets to better understand future operational applications of total lightning datasets that will be provided by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) aboard the upcoming GOES-R satellite. Scott also serves on the National Weather Service (NWS) Lightning Safety Awareness Team and the NWS Total Lightning Implementation Working Group. He interacts closely with high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, and teaches a course on mesoscale meteorology in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science at the University of Maryland.
Joseph Patton

Joseph Patton is a meteorologist and research scientist specializing in lightning with Dr. Scott Rudlosky. He received his B.S. in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma and his M.S. in Meteorology from Florida State University. Before joining CISESS, Joseph worked for two years as an operational meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Goodland, Kansas. With CISESS, Joseph focuses on applications and training for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) in use with the GOES-R satellite program.
Guangyang Fang

Dr. Guangyang Fang is a Visiting Assistant Research Scientist for Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) at the University of Maryland, College Park. His major duties are the maintenance of the Washing DC Lightning Mapping Array (DCLMA) and the lightning validation of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). He received his Ph.D. in climate dynamics from George Mason University.
Daile Zhang

Daile Zhang is a postdoctoral associate at CISESS/ESSIC, University of Maryland. Daile received her PhD in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona. Currently, she is working on evaluating and assessing lightning data from different lightning locating systems, including ground-based and satellite-based networks. She is also a member of the National Lightning Safety Council.
Feng Zhang

Feng Zhang received her B.S. degree in Atmospheric Science from the University of Science and Technology of China and both her M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Meteorology from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2000 and 2004). Her research interests include data analysis and climate modeling, particularly in radiation transfer, cloud and aerosol parameterization development and implementation. She was an assistant climate/environment modeler at ISWS/UIUC from 2010-2011, and then joined ESSIC/UMD as a research associate from 2011-2013. Recently, she rejoined CICS-MD as a Visiting Assistant Research Scientist focusing on GOES-R data processing.
Shenjian Su

Shejian Su, with major in Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, has been working in IT industry for more than 15 years. He is a Senior IT Specialist and the former Linux Administration and Server Lab Manager at ESSIC. Su continues to support CICS/ESSIC research in a limited capacity, concentrating on special projects and development. Su's career has focused on software engineering since 1999. After working for several telecom-related and out-sourcing companies, he came to U.S. in 2008 to support climate modeling-based research. Su joined ESSIC in 2011.
Mark Sannutti

Mark Sannutti supports the AWIPS weather software with installation, maintenance and testing at ESSIC. His additional duties include supporting researchers on-site with the ability to view various weather products, testing and developing various weather products, monitoring and ingesting various data sets for successful processing, storage and displays for personnel to view and giving demonstrations to outside vendors.
Terrence Pierce

Terrence Pierce is in the STEM magnet program at Poolesville High School and has worked on improving the design and functionality of the AERT webpage. Currently, he is continuing to improve the usability of the webpage and is researching atmospheric electricity by inter-comparing MALMA, GLM, NLDN, and Raspberry Pi Network data.
Samantha Smith

Samantha Smith is an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland double majoring in mechanic engineering and atmospheric science. Currently, she is working on building an Arduino-based electric field mill.
Domenic Brooks

Domenic Brooks is an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland with a major in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and a minor in communications. He is working on taping lightning observations using a raspberry pi camera and using those observations in conjunction with other satellite- and ground-based lightning networks to improve lighting detection techniques.
- Mason Quick (2018-2021) now at NASA Marshall
- Michael Peterson (2016-2018) now at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Rachel Albrecht (2008 - present)
- Jonathan Smith (2018?-2021) now at NOAA Weather Program Office at TriVector Services, Inc.
- Patrick Meyers (2013-2019) now at Areté
- Larissa Antunes da Silva (2017) now at Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais
- Eric Burning (2008-2010) now at Texas Tech University
- Ayyub Abdulrezak (2019-2020) now at MIT
- Jason Chen (2019-2020) now at UMD
- Idris Akala (2019-2020) now at UMD
- Kayla Brown
- Matthew Bielec
- Dustin Shea (2013, M.S.)
- Doug Kahn (2014-17)
- Meredith Nichols (2013-15)
- Sarah Shellem (2013-15)
- Mitchell Ramsey (2013)
- David Wheeler (2013)
- Thomas Kelly (2014)
- Reginald Johnson (2014)
- Angelena Bohman (2014)
- Matthew Brown (2015)
- Zuriel Herran (2015-16)