
Papers From Our Group

(2022) The Illumination of Thunderclouds by Lightning: 4. Volumetric Thunderstorm Imagery pdf

Michael Peterson, and Douglas Mach

(2022) The Illumination of Thunderclouds by Lightning: 3. Retrieving Optical Source Altitude pdf

Michael Peterson, Tracy E. L. Light, and Douglas Mach

(2022) The Illumination of Thunderclouds by Lightning: 2. The Effect of GLM Instrument Threshold on Detection and Clustering pdf

Michael Peterson, Tracy E. L. Light, and Douglas Mach

(2022) The Illumination of Thunderclouds by Lightning: 1. The Extent and Altitude of Optical Lightning Sources pdf

Michael Peterson, Tracy E. L. Light, and Douglas Mach

(2021) Dual Geostationary Lightning Mapper Observations pdf

Scott Rudlosky, and Katrina S. Virts

(2020) Thunderstorm Cloud-Type Classification from Space-Based Lightning Imagers pdf

Michael Peterson, Scott Rudlosky, and Daile Zhang

(2020) Time Evolution of Satellite‐Based Optical Properties in Lightning Flashes, and its Impact on GLM Flash Detection pdf

Daile Zhang, and Kenneth L. Cummins

(2020) Changes to the Appearance of Optical Lightning Flashes Observed From Space According to Thunderstorm Organization and Structure pdf

Michael Peterson, Scott Rudlosky, and Daile Zhang

(2019) Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of the Lightning Imaging Sensor pdf

Daile Zhang, Kenneth L. Cummins, Phillip Bitzer, and William J. Koshak

(2019) The Time Evolution of Optical Lightning Flashes pdf

Michael Peterson and Scott Rudlosky

(2018) Detection of meteoroid impacts by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper on the GOES-16 satellite pdf

Peter Jennisksens, Jim Albers, Clemens E. Tillier, Samantha F. Edgington, Randolph S. Longenbaugh, Steven J. Goodman, Scott Rudlosky, Esko Lyytinen, Donald Hladiuk, Dwayne Free, Nicholas Moskovitz, Len Bright, Christopher O. Johnston, and Eric Stern

(2017) The Evolution and Structure of Extreme Optical Lightning Flashes pdf

Michael Peterson, Scott Rudlosky, and Wiebke Deierling

(2017) The Intracloud Lightning Fraction in the Contiguous United States pdf

Gina Medici, Kenneth L. Cummins, Daniel J. Cecil, William J. Koshak, and Scott Rudlosky

(2017) GLD360 Performance Relative to TRMM LIS pdf

Scott Rudlosky, Michael Peterson, and Douglas T. Kahn

(2013) Evaluating WWLLN performance relative to TRMM/LIS pdf

Scott Rudlosky, and Dustin T. Shea

(2013) Documenting Storm Severity in the Mid-Atlantic Region Using Lightning and Radar Information pdf

Scott Rudlosky, and Henry E. Fuelberg

(2010) Pre- and Postupgrade Distributions of NLDN Reported Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics in the Contiguous United States pdf

Scott Rudlosky, and Henry E. Fuelberg

Other References